Painkiller soundtrack for Arte Cluster ‘Oxygen’ campaign

We are proud to announce that ‘Painkiller’, one of the songs on our new album ‘Look Inside’ has been selected as the soundtrack for the ‘Oxygen’ campaign of Arte Cluster.

Watch the campaign videoclip:

Arte Cluster is a not-for-profit organisation that strives for awareness of clusterheadache and it’s severe impact. To create awareness, Arte Cluster uses art as a means. The purpose of the awareness campaigns is to achieve better treatment for clusterheadache sufferers (‘clusterheads’). The artwork shown in the campaign’s videoclip has also been created by artists supporting Arte Cluster.

The choice for Painkiller as the campaign-song is quite obvious, really. Since his teenage years, our drummer Jan is a ‘clusterhead’. With Painkiller, he penned down the horror he faces when ‘visited by the beast’. If you’d like to read more about clusterheadaches, read this. This is why Painkiller fits the purpose. Besides the lyrical description of the misery that clusterheadache is, the composition itself also refers to a clusterattack: the pounding crescendo in the intro represents the timeframe in which you realise a cluster-attack is coming. That is a matter of seconds.

A clusterheadache attack can be treated by inhaling pure oxygen. When taken timely, chances are that the attack will disappear in about 20 minutes. There is medication available to treat cluster-attacks. However this medication has nasty side-effects. Furthermore, while these meds can only be taken twice a day, cluster-attacks can occur up to 8 times per day. Oxygen can be used repeatedly.

In the Netherlands it is common to prescribe oxygen for clusterheads. Also, oxygen is easily accesible. That is not the case in the rest of the world; there oxygen is hardly available to clusterheads.

Arte Cluster’s awareness campaign aims at improving the availability of oxygen as a treatment for clusterheads, regardless of what country one lives in. You can support this campaign by downloading or streaming Painkiller on iTunes, Amazon or Spotify. Buying the CD / LP record is even better! Visit our musicstore.

All proceeds of Painkiller will be donated to Arte Cluster.

Dit bericht in het Nederlands.

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